showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer) arrow_downwardyeartagsdescription
PlaneShift Atomic Blue Corporation2009 crystalspaceengine dwarves elves felinoids magic mmog opengl subterranean subterraneanrealm unfinished weefolk labelminimizeminimize
Steam Tactics author2017 anthropomorphicanimals anthroprotagonist anuroids caninoids felinoids grid grid-square shopping steampowered tactical labelminimizeminimize
Diablo II  Blizzard2000 2hmeleeweapons actionrpg adv-ptdistr amazons armyofone attrbasedeq auras automap axes bludgeons bossbattles bows cacophonicvoice capacity-slots caprinoids chapterreplay chapterreplay-cumulative classbased classlinkedgender cliffhanger corpseactions cpu-g3 crossworldcharacters damagetypes dark-limited darkfantasy daylighthorror demonicinvasion demons diablo diablolike druids dualwielding dungeon elitemobs endlessconflict energyitems ether evilwins fasttravel-points felinoids gambling goblinoids graverobbing hackandslash healing-gradual healingitems healthbuffer heroprotagonist humanoidanimals inventory itemgenerator itemidentification itemsets jewelry jokelevel leveluprestoration license-crossplatform limitedcapacity lootemup magic magic-instant manaburn mapgenerator meleeweapons minimap mode-hardcore monsters mp-campaign mp-cooperative necromancers npcfleeing npcspawning obstacletranslucification oddappliances opengl opengl-1-1 optionaltasks osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 paladins paperdoll passivesynergy playerexpiration playerprofiles polearms potions ppc premadecharacters presetmaps pve pygmies quicksets quitsave reanimators recallportal recurrence recurrence-character restorativegluttony ricochetingattacks safezone scythes selfluminance selfupdate sequelhook serious shieldbash shopping singlesave skeletons socketables sorcery souljar spears stash summoning supportnpcs swords swrender taxonomy teleporters theurgy titlementioned titularcharacter tooltips undead voiceovers wands xp-kills zombies labelminimizeminimize
Ultima Underworld II: Labyrinth of Worlds  Electronic Arts (Looking Glass Technologies)2012 1life authoravatar automap brains castle dimensionalportals dimensionaltravel doors dungeoncrawler felinoids floatingeyes freelook fromanotherworld genderchoice gog headless heroprotagonist immersivesim interactivedialogs inventory jumping luggage magic magic-precast magic-sigils meleeweapons monsters neutralmonsters noinvpause osx osx-6 serious shopping sorcery swords systemsdriven titularlocale ultima ultimauw unlikelysentients walking x86 labelminimizeminimize
Legend of Kay  Nordic Games (Neon Studios;Kaiko)TBA anthroprotagonist felidprotagonist felinoids indevelopment osx osx-7 steampowered labelminimizeminimize
Depths of Peril Soldak Entertainment2008 actionrpg diplomacy dragons felinoids genderchoice ghosts giantinsects humanoidanimals liches magic mapgenerator monsters naga openal orcs osx osx-4 ppc safezone sauroids shopping skeletons sorcery trading undead vorbis x86 zombies [b]Minimum:[/b]
* OS X 10.4 or 10.5
* 1.5 GHz PPC or x86 CPU
* 128 MB RAM
* GeForce 2 GPU
* 150 MB HD space

* 2.0 GHz CPU
* 256 MB RAM
* GeForce 3 GPU
Avernum 3 Spiderweb Software2002 avernum children felinoids gog group humanoidanimals indie magic osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 osx-6 penalcolony ppc sauroids From official site:

"Spiderweb Software, a maker of fantasy role-playing games for Windows and Macintosh, announces the final game in the Avernum trilogy. Avernum 3 features an enormous scenario, with well over 100 towns, villages and dungeons. There is a fascinating story and a dynamic world which changes according to the actions of the player. Refugees move from town to town. People die. If nothing is done, towns will crumble into dust.

Avernum was a prison, an enormous warren of tunnels and caverns, far below the surface world. The surface is ruled by the Empire, the all-powerful masters of the known world. Misfits, petty criminals, and those with the wrong opinions were sent into Avernum for the rest of their lives. At least, that’s what happened once.

Then the Avernites assassinated the leader of the Empire and spent years in a brutal war with the surface tyrants. The Avernite rebels won. Now, at last, they are beginning their campaign to leave their caves and return to the surface.

You are the scouts. You will be the first envoys to the surface. Instead of the sunlit paradise you dreamed of, you will find a world ravaged by mysterious plagues and hordes of bizarre monsters. Soon, the Empire will ask you to help solve the problem. Your enemies will become your allies as you race to find the source of the destruction.

Fail, and you will never return to the surface. There will be nothing left to return to.

Avernum 3 is a massive and open-ended game. You can save the world or work as a merchant. You can buy a house or go on one of many side adventures. You can hurry to save the cities, or sit back and watch them crumble. Whatever you choose, Avernum 3 promises a massive and engaging adventure which will gladly absorb all the hours you can spare."
Blades of Avernum Spiderweb Software2004 avernum felinoids gog group humanoidanimals indie magic noncanon osx penalcolony sauroids scenarios uvl-osversion labelimageminimize
Lew Leon  Xi4G (Leryx Longsoft)2019 commercial dosbox download felidprotagonist felinoids gog jungle keyboard license-proprietary lions nonnative opengl osx osx-11 labelminimizeminimize